Career Objective
To build upon and enhance my professional skills in dynamic and challenging areas that gives me the opportunity to learn new technologies and skills and improve beyond my current abilities.
To build upon and enhance my professional skills in dynamic and challenging areas that gives me the opportunity to learn new technologies and skills and improve beyond my current abilities.
May - June 2016 at Bangalore
Worked as an interned at Bharat Electronics Limited BEL, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Done a project called ADS-B (Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast),a surveillance technology in which aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts between transmitter and receiver.
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, 8.24 CGPA
2014 - Present
Intermediate, MPC, 95%
2012 - 2014
SSC, 9.3 GPA
2000 - 2012
Coordinator for the One of the most trending technical event, “Natural Language processing” (NLP).
Coordinator for the technical event “Fantastic Freshman” where people can show their talents in C programming and Data Structures.
Organizer at the largest techno-management fest.
Organizer at the Web Development Competition.
Department of CSE, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
April 2016
Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
January 2016
All India Percentile 87.5 in Category 1
March 2015
Sri Krishnaveni Academy
February 2010
The online auction system is a model where we participate in a bid for products and service. This auction is made easier by using online software which can regulate processes involved.
Complete Bus Reservation System including Capture of customer information such as name, address, phone number and e-mail address, Seating chart, Search engine, Payment information.
Complete Information about Credentials, update personal data, Academic details, Calculation the credits and verify CGPA, Counting the number of Backlogs,Verifying student promoting to next Semester.
Encrypting System, Inserting a record and Updating,Modifying and displaying the stored data.